List of Chemical Companies in Australia

List of all Chemical companies in Australia with Website Address

  1. Wesfarmers Limited
    Level 14, Brookfield Place Tower 2
    123 St Georges Terrace
    Perth 6000, Western Australia
    Phone : (61 8) 9327 4211
    Fax : (61 8) 9327 4216
    Web :
  2. BHP Group
    171 Collins Street, Melbourne,
    Victoria 3000, Australia
    Phone : (61 3) 1300 55 47 57
    Fax : (61 3) 9609 3015
    Web :
  3. Hanson Australia
    Level 10, 35 Clarence Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000
    Phone: 02 9323 4000
    Fax: 02 9323 4500
    Web :
  4. Ampol Limited
    29-33 Bourke Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015,
    Phone: +61 2 9250 5000
    Web :
  5. INPEX Australia
    Level 22
    100 St Georges Tce
    Perth, WA 6000
    Phone: +61 8 6213 6000
    Fax: +61 8 6213 6455
    Web :
  6. Viva Energy Australia
    GPO Box 872, Melbourne
    VIC 3001
    Phone : +61 3 8823 4444
  7. Boral Australia
    Level 18
    15 Blue Street
    North Sydney NSW 2060
    Phone : +61 2 9220 6300
    Web :
  8. Orica
    1 Nicholson Street
    East Melbourne
    Victoria 3002 Australia
    Phone : 1300 555 175 (Australia)
    Phone : +61 3 9665 7111 (International)
    Fax : +61 3 9665 7937
  9. Santos Limited
    Ground Floor Santos Centre
    60 Flinders Street
    South Australia 5000
    Phone +61 8 8116 5000
    Fax +61 8 8116 5050
  10. Weir Minerals Australia Ltd.
    1 Marden Street
    NSW 2064
    Phone: +61 (0) 2 9934 5100
    Fax: +61 (0)2 9934 5201
    Web :

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